Just For Laughs

Now this is completely non-serious stuff, so read at your own risk..especially if  you have past history of brain afflictions..this could prove fatal.Mainly posted to give you a light read...and if you manage a chuckle or two while going through it..well.the purpose of this purposefully purposeless post will be accomplished. :)

This is an actual conversation I had with a friend recently reproduced verbatim.
Here me is well..me

And F is friend who survived the madness.
(I heard that..stop shouting Superhero Superhero)

F:    Why did the chicken cross the road?

Me: It wanted kimi to get distracted

F:   (??)No....it wanted to get to the other side...
      Now why did the chewing gum cross the road?

Me: My chicken crossed the road to distract kimi so that massa wins.
The chewing gum crossed the road cos it wanted to be with the chicken

F:    Noo it was stuck to the chicken's feet..

       So why did the duck cross the road?

Me: These questions are very much open to interpretations...my answers are also correct. :)

The duck wanted a chicken sandwich..so it crossed. The chicken got hit midway between crossing the road and was made into a sandwich..which also contained pieces of the chewing gum.

F:  Why would a duck eat a chicken!!

     Answer is the chicken was on a holiday, so the duck crossed the road for it.

Me: cos it finds chicken tasty

F: (ARGGGGHHH!!) There is no statistical proof of ducks eating chicken.

Me: Is there any statistical proof of anyone of them crossing roads?

F: I see it all the time...

Me: Are you calling us ducks n chickens. Otherwise here is a query " Where Do you Live"?

F:   No, don't underestimate yourselves.

      I mean chickens and ducks usually cross roads in Wakrewadi and Deccan area*
     *(Places in Pune)

Me: Now this is news.Does the traffic police know about this..or do they sneak around in the night time. They can be booked for jaywalking you know.

F:   (Pain..Pain...Painnnn) Actually they were following zebra crossing.

Me: The zebras are in it too...wow..were they all going to an animal party ?

F:   (Goodbye dear world..i thought i could handle it)  No it is the white strips in a road which signifies an area where you can cross the roads.. :)

(End of conversation)


  1. total wack-y ...though this question still keeps the question open as to why the bloddy chicken crossed the road in the first place ??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. someone talked about chicks ;)
    marathe was that u ;)

  4. @marathe: Well..it did so that we humans would have atleast one topic to wrack our brains about in the absence of logic and sanity at the dawn of the human civilization.
    Or..one could argue..it had nike shoes on..and well..it "just did it"!

    @pathik: Well...taking the liberty of speaking on behalf of marathe (who can also respond after this)..well..no marathe is not F and if i were to put the "brain cell annhiliating" convos i have with him on my blog..you guys wudnt survive to tell your tales...both of us (mainly me) go cuckoo during many of our convos

  5. i thought you were preparing for MBA entrance exams. Any plans of postponing!!!

  6. i managed few chuckles...the purpose of ur purposefully purposeless post is accomplished! :D

  7. Hey..thanks a lot chitranshi. So nice to find you here. And well..the fact you didn't feel the urge to come and strangulate me personally for writing such a post makes me feel that it wasn't that bad after all:)


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