Winter cleaning

Thwack ! Swoosh!

There..almost done.Removed all the dirt and cobwebs (and few of the "not paying so much attention" spiders along with it). So with the spring cleaning ritual completed (its nowhere near spring you say..well..umm..well said! ), lets get back to issues involving boring people (me) and boring people (that's you).

So returning back to my own blog after a hiatus of 2 months..I really had to rack my brains (don't smirk) to come up with a topic.So after some non-violent mind wrestling, I decided to go for something I wrote 3 months ago.(Implies wrestling match result: We lost)

A poem I wrote when I wasn't exactly in a chirpy mood, it may come across as a rather depressing piece. But well, you can't have sunshine all year long , can you! Thanks a ton to Hari (my very talented designer friend) for being considerate enough to make the sketch and coming up with a wonderful interpretation of the poem:)


                               WITNESSING MY LIFE

I have arrived early again,
the ticket having been bought long ago.
Alone on the platform with a rickety chair, few dreams
and an avalanche of ambitions buried in the snow.

And time again becomes a passerby
greedily devouring the territories I am ceding.
Yes, there is a sense that awakens
shouting yelling pleading

To stretch my hand and stop the train,
to tell the driver I want to get in.
Get in and take control and drive,
reclaim what is left of my life.

But the hand remains smug in the coat pocket
"Its the cold" says a distant voice within.
And silently I watch the warm windows flashing past by
Snapshots of a life that could have been.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that is profound... you write much better than you admit that you do..modesty,i know...
    n yeah..nice image!


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