's Ok, I am fine. (A chronicle of the voices in my head over 4 years of engineering in NIT Bhopal)

2004-2005 "The first day" to "Yaay..i survived 1st year"

Hellllpppp. What am I doing here! Where am I supposed to go? Where is the classroom? It says Drawing Hall it is.Yikes..are these my seniors?? Run for your life. Phew. Oh..meek "straight out of school -I-am-lost" looking people filing in a classroom. Will follow. Are they having a "lambs for slaughter" convention?
Are they trying to vapourize me by staring! Ok..the last row seat looks so much inviting. Yawn..wake up. You are not supposed to sleep through the director's address. You should be wide attentive not disoriented and most importantly awake during the orientation ceremony. What sort of impression do you want to leave? Yup..they all look as scared and confused as me. Nice. female species in sight. Maybe she is a day late. Let me just keep looking at the door.No no..eyelids..dont no.zzzzzz.
GT! Noooo..haven’t we all come here to study sincerely.
Are they all shy or have I grown antlers?
Wear only salwars! Am so not going to do that.
WHERE is the library?
WHERE is that book?
Eeeh..4 hours 2 units. Someone please invent a time expander. I swear never again in my engineering life will I make this mistake of last minute studies.

2005-2006 "Freeeedom" to "I want to do everything"

Extra I come!
How many committee interviews can I give?
How many committees are there?
Think think..try. Why can't you come up with a path breaking idea for a paper presentation? Everyone else can.
"The force applied"..shucks forgot the tiffin at home...” will act along the plane"..noodles or kothe??
Having a GT because the CR hasn’t taken a bath is taking personal hygiene to another level..can I just kill someone?
I AM NOT A DAMSEL!!! And certainly not in distress.
Yaay..I am completely working this lathe machine..somebody take a picture.

2006-2007 "The party's over" to "Why not so serious?"

Ok..I am psyched out. Stop saying this is the most important year.
Water..moisture..vapour..anything!.Its exploitation.How do they expect us to attend classes after lunch?
I can actually visualize a red tape running across the corridor.
Can I please be treated as a classmate!
Talk to yourself. But isn't that the activity of psychotic people with severe emotional problems? No, not that way. Find out what do you want to do in life..and quick.
Hmm..ok have to join a coaching. I "think" I want to do thing A.
Too many things happening simultaneously. Can I hire a personal life organizer? If I don't get a job, can I become one?

2007-2008 "Give me something to do" to" Can I enroll here again?"

You have to seriously enjoy your last year.
Search juniors and hand out unsolicited and unwelcomed advice on how to survive in Manit..Distribute the gyaan.
Its a major P alright..pain, practise,project.
Major Project is very important. No its not. It is so. Come on..what will happen if we mess up. Noo..our life depends on it.
Feel like a senior citizen in Disneyland.
One down..three more farewells to go. Am I supposed to cry?
They should give us B.Juggad along with our degrees.
Do people actually buy a new T shirt for signature day?
Hmm..."Lessons from Manit-how to survive in the real world!"..need funding for this book.
Whoa..this is the 40th term paper I am writing. And I gave 80 minors. I feel nauseated.
Can't they just pass us..we are almost engineers.
So this is how I am going to die-collecting no dues.
Woohoo..I survived 4 years of engineering.


  1. This is a nice blog (post) :)

  2. Hahaha!

    I remember my MCA days, when I literally used to count days like 1 ,2 ......ahh..first year over..then second... I was tired of studying for university exams..
    And then final year , placements etc..

    I can very well relate to this post.. But how come, you did not mention about placements I wonder..Nice post:)


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