The Change

She felt weird. There were emotions she was supposed to feel…a sense of loss, desperation, sad twangs of separation. But to her surprise..they were all conspicuous by their absence. Hmm…I am supposed to miss him. I am. Am I?

After was she who had begun the courting ritual. Apprehensive at first..she knew it was time. She had to take the plunge.

It did involve letting go of a past up on 3 years of unswerving loyalty from someone..but she just had to let go. This time it will be her choice , she thought to herself...her decision..not something that was forced down her throat.

He was so square..maybe too traditional and orthodox for her modern outlook. She knew it before..she knew it then.There was an air of outdatedness that hung heavy whenever they were together. Yes..agreed..the basic things she wanted in him were present. He was...umm.. nice. But she wasn’t satisfied with nice..she wanted something more. she adjusted to a new life with him..everything seemed OK. She could get a message across pretty easily and the communication ran smooth. But then…something was amiss right from the start. She was embarrassed by his appearance.Yes..that makes her a shallow hag..but atleast she was being honest to herself. He was unwieldy and plain. Simplicity was a virtue even she extolled..but he just took it to another level. She did try giving him a cosmetic makeover..but as she found out, you can’t hide some things under a new cover.

She could sense the decay…feel the moulds spreading out. She confronted him..told him how she felt. But he wouldn’t matter what she did..whatever she hurled at him..he just wouldn’t break. The tough exterior which she once found charming..had now become irritating beyond words.

He had become a burden. Maybe he realized it too..that they couldn’t continue any longer. They couldn’t understand each other…their voices drowning in a sea of noise.

She finally made the decision..she wanted out.

But she knew she couldn’t be alone. She had grown used to him. And then she realized what she had to do. She had to find a replacement. The search started..this time..she listed down the qualities she was looking for..because this time..she will have the power to choose. It took her 5 months..5 painful months.

And then lightening struck and her heart was gone.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Who was he!...she was not going to leave any stone unturned to find out. She asked around..consulted..made her own observations..did her homework well.Those who had been in touch with him were questioned, questioned and then questioned some more. She wanted no mistakes this time around.

He was everything she wanted. She went for the kill. And made him an offer he couldn’t refuse .

He agreed. She bid her companion for 3 years a not so heartfelt goodbye and ushered in the new. It felt exhilarating. It was a new beginning in so many ways. The world around seemed more colourful. So this is what they call Bliss. He was sleek and smart. No wonder her friends were jealous of her..who would'nt be?

There was a new found clarity in the way she viewed things. He liberated her in so many ways..she felt she could do so much more. He encouraged her to develop her interest in photography..which she didn’t even know existed. He coaxed her to sing his music. This was a new her..and she was loving it.

But today..he was not there. He had decided to stay back at home. And she was confused. She couldn't believe it. It was strange. She had seen her friends go hysterical when this happened to them. The fact remained..she didn’t really miss him. 8 months of togetherness and the first time they are apart..and no longing.

And then she understood. It was not him. It was her. She needed him alright..but she didn’t depend on him. She smiled. Then picked up her keys . She had to go home. He would be there..waiting.

She : Me
Old relationship He : My old
Nokia 3210
New realtionship He : My new
Nokia 6300 (which i left at home yesterday)


  1. Really a great blog ..and great creativity too ...

    You should have a copyright or patent for your blogs ....It is your creativity ...

    I don't think i ll miss my old Nokia ..yea !in the way to change it ....seems Nokia 6300 is great mobile ...

  2. hmmmmmmmmmmm
    somethinf is fishy
    faali(read saali)
    Awesome writing, awesome, simply superb, but are you really talking about your mobile?
    Sach ka Ssamna

  3. @pathik
    You are right..this is an autobiographical post. The change is actually old Natraj pencil and my new Apsara pencil. And i did Fach ka Famna

    @Neeraj and Gaurav
    Thanks :)


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