My first post!

Yeah..i know quite an unimaginative title..but ehh..what the heck. Anyways..its just not out of boredom i am writing this fact thats not the main reason at all..its just that i wanted to get few thoughts of mine, which keep buzzing in my head 18x7 ( i sleep for 6 hrs you see) on digital paper, just to see what they sound like.
Anyways, i will not BORE people with them right away. So we can start off by something i recently wrote. I am a budding poet ( the bud has been trying to bloom for over an year now..damn these rains!) and to do full justice to the title of a novice (with which you will readily heartily agree after going through them)..i give you my recent ramblings attempted to be disguised as a poem.

p.s. You will get a lot of brackets from me..i just love the afterthought comment (which is thought beforehand )


I close my eyes..there is too much pressure
The words keep ringing, things could be simpler
When we were kids,innocence was the rule
Bruises our teacher,the playground our school.

Friends were trusted,promises kept
Tears and sorrow were real as we wept
Only sand slipped through hands, not time
The days to-do-list was simple,beyond from five to nine.

Shape the clouds
Try to grab the sun
Run after butterflies
Dance being watched by no one.

Laugh when you are happy
Cry when you are sad
What's with the shades of grey!
Things were just good or bad.

What to say,what to contain?
Is that even a question! simply insane.
No presumptions no stands.
Give me a butterscotch,I'll understand.

No one hunting for a deeper meaning
No one to interpret what you are dreaming
Muds and spoons and keychains held joy
Feelings and emotions had'nt yet become our toy.

It's a habit of the present of wanting the past
Yearning for perpetuity which you know wont last.
But as I open my eyes and reflect on what's said
A question arises- Will I want this time as I move ahead?

This poem was NOT and i repeat Not written out of box office frustation* ( ok..if you are going to read this better get used to my humour level..which is pretty much non-existant )
*getting frustated in your office..sitting in your box i.e your cubicle

Getting back to the main point..yeah..i did'nt write it from the negative point of view. It just happenned that one fine day..i was just thinking about my 2 year old niece and nephew ( they are twins and totally adorable)..and the funny little things they do. And just struck me that life has changed so much since childhood. I mean there are so many things better about being an adult..but i guess at some level..we do miss those carefree times and the innocence it brought.


  1. wow...nice poem...quite a feat from my view as i am a zero in poem writing...and u weren't kidding about those brackets were you...there are a lot of them indeed...but good going...we could link our blogs..u me pathik and others who have started writing blogs themselves...

    welcome to the blogsphere...


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