But Naturally!

Warning : This post might contain few elements of arrghh...uhummm...achoo..(you can say it you can..just try..it won't hurt) p h i l o s o p h y (phew!)..so read at you own risk!

I was sitting in my office today when i heard the unfamiliar beep beep of my cell signalling "Message aaya message aaya" (unfamiliar cos i rarely get sms's or calls during office hours...gee I am thaat popular :) )
It was from a friend and he had a question. "Is it possible to change one's nature?"

"Hmm..umm..if you purposefully do it..then maybe not..but your experiences change it...without you realizing it"..this is all i could muster at that moment.

But the more i think about it now...the more intriguing the topic appears to be.

We do know its true..our nature does undergo a series of changes over our lifetime..i mean no one is born irritating/obnoxious/a big head. It takes a lot of effort to become one. You have to start off early..firstly victimizing you parents as a toddler..then you siblings..then school teachers,college mates work people..Its an art people..art.

Jokes apart , is it not an end product of our surroundings? How we have seen the people around us behave, how we have reacted to situations and what all we have seen, read and experienced.

So if it is a constantly changing (one of my favourite oxymorons) entity...why is it so difficult for us to change it?

Take an example (me!). I have had this problem since my good ol school days. I can't be rude to people!! And it may sound good here (aww..thats such a nice thing..you should NEVER be rude to anyone..yeah ok Ms.Pleasantville) but it has got me into a fair amout of messy situations many times. I get a hearing down from my friends about "how i should not sweet talk people who deserve a good blasting" quite a lot. But i still find it so hard to do. Its my nature..but i should change it for good..I know it..my friends know it..but nothing seems to happen. I can force myself one or two times..but eventually the "basicity" of the basic nature takes over.

But to contrast..have seen many people undergo a drastic transformation over a small period of time. The shy become the bold and the beautiful..the terse become loquacious (..see..i do know all the big big words..ego feed ego feed).

But i guess if it happens naturally..it becomes a part of you..if you force it..it doesn' stay (sounds like a line straight out of Dil to Pagal hai )


  1. Well,

    We make dams on bridges, alter the course of the river, momentarily, for beneficial purposes.
    It all depends on the design of the project, as to how it will affect the path of the river and it's nature in the years to come.

    Same goes for the characteristics of human nature.The design of the change decides our discourse.


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