Game On!

I am tired..and i know many others are too. Of the ongoing bing vs google vs windows vs chrome vs whatnot "thing".
(referred to as "thing" cos a. i am tired and b. its become too prolonged,boring and elastic-band-stretchy to be referred as anything else..yawn!)

But does get those brain cogs rolling doesn't it. And leaves you amazed with how technology is outpacing even itself..and so fast. You think you have outdone yourself..and comes the competitor with something bigger and better. What do you do now?. Well..rush back ..rack your brains out..and do pressurized innovation.

But do it for whom?

Did i hear it correctly..they do it for us you say!

Hmm..OK..i want to pose this question to the people reading this.(does this makes it a self i talking to myself..will i..."ok stop..we are not venturing into psychoanalytical behavioural analysis of the lmphycoma brain puddle matter"...umm who is this?.."I am the voice in your brain puddle matter. Now get back to your post which will be read just by you..especially after this")

How many of us actually pay attention to the ads placed somewhere on the google search page?...somewhere cos i pay such infinitesimal teeny weeny amount of attention to them..i don't even know where they are.

Or for that matter..on the gmail/orkut/facebook/_ home page.

(Fill the blank with whatever you like)

I just come..check my mails/whatever i am suppose to check..reply..and log out.

And i am guessing majority of us do that.

That generally means that the advertisers do not get a fair deal in the process. And so doesn't the search engine. It has to generate a profitable number of hits for these ads..else the investment stands unjustified.

So thinking from a broader perspective...we get the all info we want..with no strings attached.

But the penalty is paid by the search engines.Gee..they go through all this trouble so that we can be comfortable..i find this notion charming in a quirky way.

Microsoft's major revenues comes from their licensed Operating System windows and other tools such as word,powerpoint,outlook etc. They can thus afford a bing.

But google depends on you and me clicking at those godknowswhere placed ads. It really takes the community service theme forward with youtube..which is still grappling to come up with a eureka idea to generate revenue.

But..would I do it?

Naah...even before they start pestering me with monthly subscription requests..I will switch to some other video hosting site..where i can do it for free.

Don't blame me..its human nature..glee till its free.

So coming back to the main argument..this ongoing war.and usurping of territories ends up looking like an expensive and self harming game of upmanship between the software giants.

Their brand perception is definitely is the brand awareness..but its not generating money for them. And they continue to pool their resources(read geeky geniuses) to come up with a trump card everytime the other innovates..cos come on..they don't want to end up on the losing side.

Its good for technology.its good for innovation. its good for the future. But is it good for them?? long as its free....I will say..Game On!

Here is the article that got me thinking about the topic. The blog post is my view on the subject based on the facts of the article.


  1. ohh really?? is microsoft more comfortable than google coz it sells so many operating systems which come with so many of "their" softwares and etc etc while poor google only has it ad service which is not of much use in generating money for them ???!!!

    well then i quote from a news article :
    " The fourth-quarter results indicated Google was able to rein in its free-spending ways enough to offset a slowdown in the online ad market that generates most of the company's revenue. That contrasted with a missed forecast and 5,000 layoffs announced earlier in the day by rival Microsoft Corp.'

    "In a sign that skittish consumers are still coming to Google when they want to shop, the fourth-quarter volume of clicks on Google's ads rose by 18 percent from the same time in 2007. That's important to Google because the clicks trigger payments by advertisers."

    Go rocks...and it ain't sinking anytime is just a burly behemoth which is just bulldozing its way forward and doesn't have any finesse in its stride !!

  2. Hmm..we do have a google fan in the house.
    Anyways...2 things
    a) havent taken any sides in the post..its a nuetral article
    b) I took the info from a New York Times article.

  3. The NYT article sucks if it is the inspiration, why:

    Firstly, a very narrow point of view with regards the revenue model has been taken, if that was the way it is, Google would never be what it is today, online advertising does pay, if I am not wrong, I think BJP spent 200 crores this election officially for online advertising.
    So as long there is a foolish advertiser, the money will always flow in ;)
    Secondly, the game changer is free software, not licensed one, be it google or and other freeware, they are the game changers.
    So, its essential for both Ms n google to keep generating new products, innovation drives revenues,and competition drains them :)
    Thirdly, the end user who thinks he/she is doing all this for free, is neglecting the fact, his being online alone is the bread and butter for internet, even if he aint paying any direct cost, there are loads of indirect costs involved.
    Fourthly, I kind of like illogical expressions like this, but to be honest, any analysis is fake if it does not show the full picture .....

    A word of caution:
    All of us know you write well, don't have to prove that to anyone all the times.
    But, as a writer, please allow us to trust in your writing, or label it as fiction!!!

  4. Hmm...few points
    a)Google is making big bucks with online advertising no doubt.Millions of people click on those ads..i just said i was'nt one of them.its actually its bread and butter..good for them.
    b)Game changer are the new innovations that both these giants come up with..but their main(HUGE stress on the word main..i never said ONLY) revenue sources remain-Online advertising for search results for google and windows and office for microsoft.
    c)The "nothing is for free" point is correct. But I think the net charges we pay are still less for the services we get online. Its like many people have shifted from print newspapers to online ones..but if publication houses decide to charge for their online editions..i believe majority of the public would go back to the print editions than suscribe online

    Umm..i thought the NYT article made sense..and well..i just wrote what i felt about the point of view and my take on the subject.You can trust me to present my opinions.
    But the very fact that you read what i wrote and felt like sharing your views (same or doesnt matter) makes me glad that i have this platform to express myself and wonderful freinds like you to give back constructive criticism. Will keep your points in mind.


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