Idle Idealism part1

I recently had this conversation with one of my friends. Felt like putting it up here:)

Is politics an undesirable activity that we should stay away from and get rid off? Or, is it a worthwhile activity which we must engage with in order to make a better world?

Politics by its very nature is a tool used by governments to attain power.Now power is a potent word and its excess and lack sometimes have decided the course of civilizations.Its necessity is caused by the very basic nature of humans. You cannot wish away certain inherent traits of our race.

Whenever there is power, there is bound to be a struggle for it.Politics is greyness defined.

But having said grey..there is black and white.The black will be matter how much we want to wish it away.

There will be people who will have vested interests, who will shun responsibilities, indulge in malpractices and worst.have not even a shred of guilt.We can reform them..surely..and they may even respond. But this process will have to be repeated again for a new batch and so on.

But is that the solution.? Painting over the black with that the colour appears grayish and there is always the fear of the top coat chipping off to reveal the true colours again.

I think not.We should change the basic paint that comes. And for that..its us..the educated informed individual who has to take the step. We have to change the paint colour. We have to infuse our white. And we have to do it because the paint ultimately ends up colouring us in the end. We get the governance we we can atleast make an effort because we know we are worth more. Its filthy, its dirty to the core..but who says you have to get tarnished?

The power of ONE has been underestimated for time immemorial. But i believe the struggle lies in keeping the flame burning despite the efforts of others to extinguish it. If we resolve to keep holding our beliefs..of not letting go of our vision no matter how many times we get broken by the system..then that's our integrity. By ignoring..we can just wish for it to go away..but it will still be there. But by doing..we can atleast start something.

Because at the end of the all comes down to a personal choice..and how does one want to come out of it as. And its not wrong to be a good way. One should go for it for the hunger to become a better person, a better son to the nation and a contented soul.That's how i see it.

..continued in next post


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